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Discover the person you are through your soul painting

Awaken your consciousness and harmonize your energies

Peinture d’âme de Anne

Anne Martin - Copyright AmyLaly Sandrine 2021

Soul Painting

Soul painting brings color and life to the whole being of light that you are and that you have forgotten. He is a guide, a traveling companion for your life.

Thanks to a flash scan, I read your energy which reveals to me your inner music, your colors, your emotions, your sensations and your perceptions. Your energy gives me messages that only you can understand.

Because your energy evolves with your awareness, you will resonate and gradually integrate the elements and parts of the board.


This paint allows:

  • to awaken your consciousness

  • to reconnect with your inner being

  • to shine a light on who you really are

  • to make visible your strengths and major assets for a successful life

  • to reveal your colors,

  • to show you the way to follow

  • to reveal your main guides of the moment and your animal totems

  • to harmonize your energies

  • to facilitate contact with the subtle world

  • to meditate with your guides

Axelle - Copyright AmyLaly Sandrine 2021

Progress of a painting

When I start to create your illustration, I connect to your energy and do a flash therapy scan. I then try to discover the strong messages that your soul, your guides or the energies that are with you want to transmit to you.


The development of the digital canvas, which I realize with Photoshop, can take several weeks. It all depends on your evolution, at the same moment that I am creating the painting. If your energy is going really fast and you are already working with it, the information will come very quickly. If, on the contrary, you move forward with a cool, softer tempo, the messages and ideas will arrive slowly, peacefully at the pace you need to evolve and move forward on your life path.

Your painting can take the form of a story, of a scroll of life like a parchment that tells of the existence of a soul in a body.

Peinture d’âme de Evelyne

Evelyne - Copyright AmyLaly Sandrine 2021

When I paint, it always takes the form of a meditation. I breathe in my pelvis and I put myself at the level of the most total peace.

I can listen to music in accordance with the energy of the person, walk in the forest, go to the beach ... I am then only the instrument of the soul of the sponsor to reveal to being its beauty. Time no longer exists. I receive the information and let my brush or virtual pencil carry it out.


Each painting is a surprise. I never expect what will come.
It is an absolute discovery and I am aware of my chance to see the being for whom I do this evolve. I also integrate its different degrees of evolution before

"Entrust" the canvas to the person to whom it really belongs.


The handing over of the digital soul painting is a sacred moment, of great intensity.

The person then discovers, according to what the energy has been willing to transmit to me, its guides, its forces, its animals, its colors, its intensity, its liveliness ... There is a shared recognition that takes place between the painting and who it is for.

It sometimes takes time for the person to recognize themselves, this is normal, generally because it is emotionally intense for them to open up to the universe of their being. But little by little, over time, the person understands and acquires at the bottom of himself, the powerful being that he is. It is both engraved on the drawing and in the person's being. Each painting is a journey, a landscape, a story in the immensity of a being.

At the end of each painting, I will send you a link to download it. You will also receive an oracle draw that your energy will want to transmit to you, in order to help you now and in the near future.

Your energy will guide me to give you the messages you need to grow and succeed on your path.

Peinture d’âme de Lea
Peinture d’âme de Evelyne
Your painting?

I suggest you contact me,

in order to exchange together before any order.

Peinture d’âme de Sarah

Sarah - Copyright AmyLaly Sandrine 2021

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